Summer Beef Rib Roast BBQ



This is a very exciting recipe for a beef rib roast barbecue:


1 6 pound boned, rolled roast                                                      1/2 cup burgundy wine

1/2 cup Salado Olive Oil Co. Champagne Vinegar                    1/4 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup Salado Olive Oil Co.  House Olive Oil                          2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon dry mustard                                                            salt and pepper to taste

1/2 teaspoon chili powder                                                           1 minced clove garlic

hot pepper sauce to your taste (optional)


Place roast in a large plastic bag and set in a deep bowl.  Combine all ingredients and pour over meat. Marinate 8 hours or overnight in the refrigerator, turn several times. Drain meat, reserving marinade. Pat dry. Place grilling rod through center of roast and place on spit. You can use a meat thermometer if you wish to register 140 for rare, 160 for medium and 170 for well-done.  This will take from 2-4 hours on hot coals. Place a dripping pan on the grill top to catch all drippings. Brush from time to time with marinade especially the last 30 minutes of roasting. Remove from heat and let set at least 15 minutes, covered with foil to let all the juices get absorbed back into the roast.

This roast should serve around 15 people.

Happy 4th of July!!!


I do serve this with a wonderful, colorful garden salad topped with Salado Olive Oil Co. 25 Year Traditional Balsamic and fresh green beans with Salado Olive Oil Co. Bacon Olive Oil drizzled over the top.


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