Balsamic Watermelon Salad


Balsamic Vinegar and Watermelon Salad


One Seedless Watermelons (cut into cubes, strips, or even use the melon baller)

½ Cup of Salado Olive Oil Co.'s 25 Year Dark Balsamic Vinegar (go on a culinary adventure and use Watermelon flavored, Chocolate, or try something wild like pistachio)

2 Tablespoons of our Salado Olive Oil Co.'s House Olive Oil or go exotic and use Cilantro Lime Infused Olive Oil or Jalapeno Lime Infused Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons of chopped mint leaves



Wash and dry the outside of your melon to prevent contamination when you cut into the melon.

Combine the Salado Olive Oil and balsamic vinegar and drizzle it over the melon. Gently toss all together with the cut mint and serve immediately. YUM!

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