Chimichurri Chicken Thighs


Chimichurri Sauce:


1 1/2 cups packed parsley leaves (I like to add oregano or cilantro to finish out the cups for different varieties of a simple sauce)

3 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 medium onion or shallot, finely chopped

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 - 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes or 1 jalapeño finely chopped

1/2 cup Salado House Olive Oil

1/3 cup red wine vinegar or 2 tablespoons of Salado Balsamic Vinegar

Puree all ingredients in a food processor. I like to store this in a mason jar so I can shake it up before serving. This recipe makes a cup of Chimichurri sauce.

For the Chicken:

 I usually grab chicken thighs when they are on sell at HEB in the family pack and then freeze them in smaller quantities for these types of recipes.


Chicken thighs (enough to feed your family)

2 tablespoons of Salado Olive Oil (since this is for the oven feel free to use your favorite oil)

Salt and pepper


I always dry meat with paper towels to remove water and impurities. Heat the oven to 400º F or grill. Rub chicken thighs with the oil and season them with salt. Cook on the stove top until the chicken is golden brown. 10-15 minutes turn over and finish cooking in the pan or pop in the oven until the chicken is completely done or another 10-15 minutes at the proper internal temperature and no blood is seen. Spoon the Chimichurri sauce over while the meat is resting and serve. 

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